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3 years ago
<title>Логово Игоря</title>
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3 years ago
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3 years ago
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<h2 style="color: #00aa00 ;">Логово Игоря</h2>
<div class="nes-balloon from-right is-dark">
<div class="name">
Привет! Я Игорь.
<p>Прогаю,ковыряю DevOps-пайплайны,малинки и прочие SBC...</p>
<div class="about">
<img src="/static/rabbit.png">
<a href="/" class="nes-btn is-success ">Главная</a>
3 years ago
<a href="tg://resolve?domain=ElpinOfficial" class="nes-btn is-primary">Мой Телеграм: @ElpinOfficial </a>
<a href="https://github.com/teleigran" class="nes-btn is-warning "><i class="nes-icon github is-small"></i> GitHub</a>
<a href="http://ielpin.ru/git/ElpinPublic" class="nes-btn is-primary">Мои частные репозитории</a>
3 years ago
<i>Rendered by <b>FastApi</b></i>
<pre style="text-align: left; vertical-align: top;padding: 5px;height:100%;width:100%">
<!-- TODO Rewrite with REAL code as in main /cv-->
<code class="language-python">
from humans import Sex
from employee.applicants import Applicant
me = Applicant( first_name="Игорь",
<div class="nes-balloon from-right is-dark">
<p>Игорь Ельпин(говорит):
Игорь Ельпин. Мужчина 1989-11-16 (33 полных лет)
<div class="nes-balloon from-right is-dark">
<p>Игорь Ельпин(говорит):</p>
<div class="nes-container is-dark with-title">
<p class="title">Hard Skill: Linux = 85% </p>
<progress class="nes-progress is-success" value="85" max="100"></progress>
<div class="nes-container is-dark with-title">
<p class="title">Hard Skill: Docker = 55%</p>
<progress class="nes-progress is-primary" value="55" max="100"></progress>
<div class="nes-container is-dark with-title">
<p class="title">Hard Skill: Python = 35%</p>
<progress class="nes-progress is-warning" value="35" max="100"></progress>
<pre title="projects.py" style="vertical-align: top;padding: 5px;height:100%;width:100%">
<code class="language-python">
def show_my_projects():
return [project for project in projects if project.sense is not None]
<a href="/cv" class="nes-btn is-primary"><i class="nes-icon github is-small"></i><b> `>>> class project <span style="color:#ac0909 ;">Resume</span>`</span>`</b></a>
<a href="/pycoral" class="nes-btn is-primary"><i class="nes-icon github is-small"></i><b> `>>> class project<span style="color:#ac0909 ;"> PYCORAL_CCTV</span>`</b></a>
3 years ago